Mahalakshmi Days Are Almost Here Oct. 29-31
MahaLakshmi Wealth Yagyas
3 Pundit/3 Day Wealth Yagya
$325 individual / $350 couple /$375 family
1 Pundit/1 Day Wealth Yagya
$125 individual/ $135 couple / $140 family
Register On-Line at
The MahaLakshmi Yagya is one of the most powerful yagyas for attaining wealth. It is most effective when performed on MahaLakshmi Day!Click Here to Listen
This year Oct. 29-Oct. 31st are Mahalakshmi Days -also known as the great Vedic Festival of Deepavali. The meaning of “Deepavali” is “fullness of light”. We invoke the Goddess of Wealth Mahalakshmi on this day to bless our lives with light, wealth, abundance, business success and enlightenment.
This year we are offering 3 day or 1 day individual special intention Mahalakshmi yagyas. The yagya is perfomed specifically for you and is based on the Vedic text of Shri Suktam. The 1 day yagya includes 1 pundit chanting the Shri Suktam on your behalf 108 times. The 3 day yagya includes 1100 recitations on your behalf. Click Here to Listen
Also Oct. 28 is Dhanvantari Day- Day of the Divine Physician. You may add a perfect health and freedom from disease yagya for the sponsorship amounts below:
Dhanvantari Perfect Health Yagya Oct. 28
$65 individual / $90 Couple / $125 Family
Register On-Line at